Dział Nauki

7 stycznia 2022 r. uruchomiono II międzynarodowy konkurs w ramach programu Neuron Cofund 2 pt. „Multinational and Translational Research Projects on Cerebrovascular Diseases including Small Vessel and Brain Barrier Dysfunction”.

Zakres tematyczny:

Research proposals should cover at least one of the following areas:

  1. Fundamental research addressing the pathogenesis, aetiology, progression, treatment and prevention of cerebrovascular diseases including CSVD as well as basic research to elucidate the role of brain barriers on cerebrovascular diseases. This may include the development of innovative or shared resources and technologies including computational and statistical tools, as considered of relevance in the context of this call.
  2. Clinical research to develop novel strategies for prevention (including secondary prevention), diagnosis, patient stratification, therapy and/or rehabilitation for cerebrovascular diseases.


Zakończenie naboru wniosków wstępnych: 8 marca 2022 r.

Rozpoczęcie naboru wniosków pełnych: 20 maja 2022 r.

Zakończenie naboru wniosków pełnych: 28 czerwca 2022 r.

Więcej artykułów na stronie NCBR.